National Physical Activity Education Programme - Week 1

Issued 23 July 2020


National Physical Activity Education Programme 

This programme has been developed by Cara, Sport Inclusion Ireland in partnership with the HSE and Sport Ireland.

The aim of the programme is to increase the knowledge and understanding of people with disabilities on the importance and benefits of being physically active and the opportunities that are available to participate within their local community.   This pilot six week programme is being delivered through the Activity Hub online by Leisure Centre staff and is being supported by families at home. There are six service users from the Hubs participating in the course and logging on twice weekly to learn about healthy active lifestyles and to take part in physical activity classes.  

Goal setting is a big part of the course and Week 1 saw the group's enthusiasm when they shared how they were more physically active. Check out their photos here.

Check out St. Michael's House Activity Hub  for a range of daily health & wellbeing classes to do at home.

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