Home Sharing Categories, Finance and Training supports

Issued 26 September 2019

Home Sharing 2019

A “Home Sharing Family” refers to any household providing primarily short breaks or in some cases, full time support to a person with intellectual disability in their own (Home Sharing family’s) home.

In order to bring a consistent approach to the service from a national perspective, Home Sharing as a model of support is subdivided into three categories namely;

1. Home Sharing “Short Breaks” families

Home/Sharing “Short Breaks” involves a home sharing family in the community offering a placement to a person with intellectual disability in their home (home sharing families) for short breaks and caring for that person as a member of their family. A short break can encompass day care breaks, short overnight break, or breaks over holiday’s periods. An expenses allowance is paid per break.

2. Home Sharing “Contract” families

The physical, behavioural or healthcare needs of some persons with an intellectual disability are complex and more challenging. In recognition of this, Contract Families who have significant experience in the caring field are recruited to provide short break support. Contract families are expected to provide a number of short breaks per month and are with this option a monthly retainer is paid and an allowance is paid per session of support provided.

3. Home Sharing “Shared Living” families

A Home Sharing “Shared Living” family is a family that provides full time care to a person with an intellectual disability, similar to a fostering placement. The shared living family make their home available to a person with intellectual disability, to share their home on a full time basis, as a member of their family. With this option a monthly retainer and an allowance per night of support is paid.

Read all information on Home Sharing programme