St. Michael's House June Staff Infoshare

Issued 26 June 2019



The Infoshare is a series of four information sessions incorporating four different times, content and venues to attempt to accommodate all staff.


  1.  Organisation update- Director Of Operations David Dunne. This included information on: Celebration of Carers Week and Cosan Week, Financial situation June 2019, Staff Complement, HIQA celebrations, School Leavers , Leadership in SMH and Employee Engagement success .
  2. P PALS - Leisure Ctr Manager Sarah Hewitt and the P Pals team, Lynn, Una and Paula
  3. FitCert - Ray Bardin and team Sam and Mary- How the Gym is working for our Adult Service Users
  4. Cosan- Awards and Celebrations of Adult Service Users achievements

 Our next meeting are in September and December 2019