Congratulations to our P-Pal Leaders - Physical Active Leaders

Issued 10 October 2018


Una Hennessey, Paula Carroll and Lynn Conroy of Work Options are now P-PAL Leaders. The ladies have been part of the eight week P-PAL programme which aimed to enable people with intellectual disability to become physical activity leaders (PALs) in their community.

The programme took place in two locations, Ireland and Spain. The two locations were selected to enable a cross-country comparison.The programme empowered older people with intellectual disability to be more physically active, improve functional mobility and also to lead their peers in physical activity.

It allows for the delivery of a practical programme in two different service contexts, cultural context and languages, providing a different perspective for both countries – both, however, with a shared vision of access to and participation in sport, leisure, art, cultural and other activities as a central component of how citizens with intellectual disability engage in society and  achieve a sense of community belonging

Dr. Mary-Ann O’Donovan, Trinity College Dublin

The project was in collaboration with Age & Opportunity and the University of Barcelona and led by Trinity College Dublin and Trinity Sport.The ladies will be returning to Trinity Sports Centre in December for graduation and a sports day with all P-PAL leaders and the participants of their groups.

I think it is a great course. It gives you confidence

Lynn Conway

I love being a leader. I love our sessions every Thursday

Una Hennessey

We made very good friends. It’s great being a leader. I now have confidence to teach a yoga class in Work Options

Paula Carroll