SMH Fast Friends | What is Fast Friends Video?

Issued 24 October 2023

Fast Friends (Instagram Post)

St Michael's House Fast Friends initiative was developed in 2018 to create more opportunities for adults in St Michael’s House to socialise and meet new people in a structured and fun way. 


As the initiative grew more popular and several successful friendships were formed and reignited, the Fast Friends committee opened it out to include other disability services in the greater Dublin area.


Today, Fast Friends has developed into a hugely successful platform facilitating opportunities for adults with disabilities to socialise with their peers and create meaningful relationships.


Fast Friends highly anticipated events are always a resounding success.  Events include Valentines parties, speed-dating events, Summer Luau’s, St Patrick’s Day events, Christmas parties and the ever-popular Halloween parties.


The Fast Friends Committee have produced a fantastic video highlighting the importance of the initiative, the events and meeting new people. 

Thank you to Gary, Sabrina, Alan and Lisa from SMH and Alan from Prosper Fingal for sharing your stories.