Goatstown Services completes Streetwise Safety Programme

Issued 15 September 2022


St. Michael's House training centre, Goatstown Services,  recently completed a Streetwise Safety Programme with an Garda Síochaná.

This course covers personal safety at home and in the community, particularly focusing on road safety.  Service users from Goatstown Services learned what the role of the Gardaí is and how they are there to help.  They practiced making 999/112 emergency calls and visited Dundrum Garda station and Dundrum Town Centre.  It was great to know where to go if they ever need some advice/help while out and about. 

Training Centres in St. Michael's House take this training and refresher training to support service users be independent and safe in their daily lives.

Many thanks to Seargent Ivan Howlin and Garda Dave for running the course with Goatstown Services and issuing completion certificates to everyone who completed the programme.

See all the photos of Goatstown Services completing their Streetwise Safety Programme here.