University of Limerick - Invitation to Parents/Guardians/Carers to Participate

Issued 9 September 2021

Research Facebook Post

Dear Parent/Guardian/Carer,

My name is Kalem Mahon. I am currently completing research as part of the PhD in Clinical Psychology with the University of Limerick. This project is not being conducted by St. Michael’s House. It has received ethical approval from St. Michael’s House Research Ethics Committee. I would like to invite you to take part in this research project exploring parent/guardian experiences of the transition to adulthood and adult services for youth with autism and intellectual disability.

You can participate if…

  1. You are a parent/guardian/carer of a young adult with autism spectrum disorder and intellectual disability, and your son/daughter is accessing services from St. Michael’s House.
  2. You are willing and available to speak with the researcher by phone, online, or in person about your experiences of your son/daughter’s transition to adulthood and adult services.


If you would like more information or want to take part in this study, please make contact with the researcher to express your interest using the below contact details.


Phone: 0872172822

I would like to hear from as many parents as possible, so your participation is very much appreciated. Your participation is completely voluntary. It will not have any impact on the services you or your son/daughter receive. Your participation will be kept confidential, and all names mentioned in the interview will be removed and replaced with a fictitious name. Your participation would include completing an interview with the researcher, which can take place by phone, online or in-person depending on what you would prefer. The interview will last for approximately 60 minutes, and you will be asked some questions about your experience of your son/daughter’s move into adulthood and adult services.

Thank you for taking the time to read this invitation.


Kalem Mahon