Multi-Sensory Stories from our Early Services Team

Issued 18 May 2020

Multi Sensory Stories

St. Michael's House Home Teachers have produced a Multi-Sensory Story Pack to support our Early Services and Families at home during Covid-19.  The Team have also drafted an Information Leaflet on how to use our Multi-Sensory Stories.

We understand this is a very difficult time for many families at home. This is some information to support you. We will keep adding information.


St. Michael's House - Information Leaflet on Multi-Sensory Stories

St. Michael's House - Duck's Keys - Where Can It Be?

St. Michael's House - Helping Dad in the Garden

St. Michael's House - Martin Monkey

St. Michael's House - My Princess Party

St. Michael's House - Our Trip to the Circus

St. Michael's House - Washing the Dog