Your vote counts- General Election 2020 #GE2020

Issued 24 February 2020

Election 2020

General Election 2020 #GE2020

 St. Michael's House were very pleased to be part of the National discussion and debate on disability issues, concerns and rights. It is a National issue and it was important to come together and support disability services for children , young people and adults.

Election 2020St. Michael's House campaigned for disability rights in Ireland's General Election February 8th 2020. Our CEO Liz Reynolds wrote letters of invitation to eleven candidates from all political parties asking for their time to discuss Intellectual Disability concerns and rights. The St.Michael's House deficit was highlighted. Two candidates responded and met with our CEO,  FF Darragh O'Brien TD and FG Noel Rock TD on two separate meetings.

A short video clip on the statistics of service concern was completed and promoted in conjunction with an A4 Easy to Read handout for staff, families and service users. St. Michael's House worked with its members in the National Federation of Voluntary Bodies (NFVB), Disability Federation Ireland ( DFI) and Inclusion Ireland to highlight to voters ; disability rights and the lack of adequate disability services and supports for children , young people and adults 2020.

St. Michael's House attended and participated in the Oireachtas Disability Group with DFI and NFVB in the Mansion House on February 4th. Political candidates were questioned on their party manifestos on disability rights and issues.

Overall, the St. Michael's House campaign was successful in achieving our goals of : creating awareness of disability issues, meeting with political representatives and engaging with staff and families on information regarding St. Michael's House .

From January 1st - February 13th

  • 4.3K visited SMH website during the Election build up
  • 1771 times the Election PDF was clicked on to download
  • 998 Election video clip views on social media

St. Michael's House were very pleased to be part of the National discussion and debate on disability issues, concerns and rights #. It is a National issue and it was supportive to come together and support disability services for children , young people and adults Nationwide. A National Campaign